Monday, November 24, 2008

Guess who's coming to dinner???

I looked out the back door the other day and there they were just in time for Thanksgiving. The dog came running, payed no attention to them he just wanted to come inside. Have a great Thanks giving. We will, there will be about 20 - 25 of us.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The elk came to visit

A week ago I looked out the window and saw the elk migrating to our neighbors pasture. I hadn't seen them in quite a while and figured that a glance was all I was going to see, then about an hour latter I looked up and they were standing in our yard eating grass and various vegetation. I got my camera out and did the army crawl to the window and captured this big guy. I think he is the biggest elk I've seen yet he had quite a harem. There were a few teenage bulls also and a baby.They hung out for about 40 min. until someone drove up our driveway and our viscous dog decided to play watch dog and chased them off proving how useful he is ha ha.